View from the Bus drivers seat
As a part time special ed bus driver I have the joy and challenge of driving kids to and from school and am constantly amazed how different each one is from each other. Each have unique gifts and abilities apart from their disabilities. As I get to know them, I learn what makes them happy and sad and if they have had a good day or not. I have learned how each will take different types of correction and how they interact with each other. Which ones are natural leaders and followers, caregivers. They are different when they are alone then with their peers. I have learned a lot about myself also. The natural biases I have, what I need from them to feel good about myself, when to say I am sorry. This microcosm of individuals are no different than people we interact with daily as we all come with different strengths, weaknesses, challenges, needs and wants. It is just kids have a way of not masking it as well as adults. We all want to receive love and a sense of worth from others, be understood, feel secure in who we are what we have and value. This makes us Human. I try to bring this understanding into my mediation practice. I ask questions of each person to humanize the process and hope they can each see the other person as someone worthy who needs to be heard. When this occurs, the mediation works even if the issues are not totally resolved. There is a new understanding of each other apart from the conflict or dispute.