Are most conflicts about money? We know to answer this with a big no, but what if it is about the money? A tenant owes money in rent, an employee needs more money to pay bills, a customer wants a refund for a faulty product. Certainly these 3 are about money. I have had experience with each of these and when it is all said and done it really was not about the money after all. Yes, the tenant owned rent but what the landlord was looking for was that they were doing all they could to use money wisely, apply for all available programs and show they were making a good faith effort. In the end the landlord and tenant came up with a payment plan that still was below the requested rent, but it was really all the tenant could do and the landlord appreciated this as the tenant otherwise took good care of the property. The employee who was looking for a raise in the end wanted to be valued for their faithfulness, given freedom to grow the business, and be given an opportunity in writing to be given first right of refusal to purchase the business someday. The business owner was able to admit that fear had been driving his interaction with the employee. The person who wanted a refund got in such an argument with the clerk that even after the clerk agreed to the refund the customer refused to take it and pledged to report her to the cooperated office! It was not about the money.