Conflict During Uncertain Times.
During this time of uncertainty there are drastic lifestyle changes we are being forced to make. It is easy to start wearing on each other. This can happen with those we live with, and those we communicate with via social media, email, and telephone. There is natural fear in us and in others when we feel out of control. This can produce unexpected conflict as we figure out a “new normal”. Here are three ways to look at our relationships.
- Recognize I am a person under stress and my weaknesses are most likely going to come out quicker than usual. My good qualities may not be as good as usual and I may be surprised by others response to me. This is ok.
- The relationships I have with people closest to me are going through transitions. We are spending more time together (or not). We need time to develop new norms in these relationships which include a lot of forgiveness and being able to laugh at ourselves while relating with others.
- Non-familiar relationships are also changing, and some seem to be actually ending. This is ok, we are all “in the same boat” or in this case the “same planet”. Everyone is having the same experiences. Our creator has given survival instincts to us all that will carry us through tough times. We have been made in God’s image so have the ability to not only survive but thrive and to love others in the process. We may find that reaching out to someone is all you need to feel better about yourself and circumstances.